"Jessie" is a psychological thriller in Hindi, directed by Ashwani Kumar V. Released on March 15, 2019, the film stars Archana, Ashima Narwal, Pavani Gangirddy, Atul Kulkarni and Kabir Duhan Singh. Produced by Shweta Singh under Eka Art Productions, the film promises a blend of spine-tingling horror and complex psychological elements.
Plot summary
The story of "Jessie" revolves around a haunted house investigation led by a team of ghost hunters. The story begins with the team exploring a quaint Victoria house, aiming to uncover the secrets within. As they dig deeper, they meet Jessie, a central character whose traumatic past and supernatural connections are the crux of the story. The film's plot weaves intricately between present-day investigations and Jessie's backstory, gradually revealing layers of horror and suspense.
Character performances
- Archana as Sameera: Archana delivers a solid performance as Sameera, a character torn between doubt and belief in the supernatural. Her portrayal of emotional turmoil and fear deepens the story.
- Ashima Narwhal as Jessie: Ashima really does justice to the role of Jessie, a haunted soul. It's a one-woman show—she's terrific, and her performance is utterly captivating and haunting, making Jessie an unforgettable character.
- Pavani Gangireddy as Shalini: Pavani's portrayal of lead ghost hunter Shalini is another positive point as it brings a strong female presence to take the lead in the investigation. This character is well designed as one can see the equal space of determination and vulnerability.
- Atul Kulkarni: Here is a man who needs no introduction. Her presence in this film is crucial, and due credit goes to the director for bringing that element of credibility.
Directing and cinematography
The movie is directed by Ashwani Kumar V. He keeps a tight leash on the story to ensure that the elements of suspense and fear are balanced. The cinematography by Sunil Kumar N is excellent with lighting and camera angles well placed to bring out the fun of the house. Long, wide-angle shots capture the tension and claustrophobia felt by the characters.
Music and sound design
Sricharan Pakala's music is suitable for the tone of the movie. The background score is creepy enough to make the viewer feel the dread, while the sound design captures the eerie creaks and whispers, which are so important in a horror film. The soundtrack again has a lot of depth, adding to the overall value of the film.
Powers of "Jessie".
Atmospheric Horror: "Jessie" does a wonderful job of creating atmospheric horror. The haunted house, with its extreme floors and dark shadows, seems like a character in itself, adding a chilling effect to the film.
Strong Female Characters: The film is a bit different from others as the story is not centered around the male but strong female characters who take the story forward. This slight change is refreshing and adds a new dimension to the genre.
Engaging Story: The plot is engaging, with well-timed twists and turns that keep the audience guessing. Jessie's underlying backstory and present-day investigation are handled expertly, ensuring a coherent and compelling narrative.
Weaknesses of "Jessie".
Pacing Issues: At times, the film suffers from pacing issues, and some scenes seem unnecessarily extended. A little more editing could make the film better overall.
Character Development: While the main characters are few and far between, some of the supporting characters are shallow. Their motivations and backgrounds are not explored in great depth, which could add more layers to the story.
Predictability: All said and done, "Jessie" is a bit predictable. Seasoned horror connoisseurs can see certain twists ahead.
Welcome the audience
"Jessie" received a mixed reception from the audience. While some praised the film's atmospheric horror and performances, others noted the pacing and predictability as weak points. The film holds a 3.5 out of 5-star rating on various platforms, suggesting that overall reception has been good, although it could have been better.
"Jessie" is a worthy effort in the horror-thriller segment and packs a psychological and supernatural punch in a way that keeps the audience engaged. With strong performances, especially by its female leads, and a haunting atmosphere, the film leaves a lasting impression. Warts and all, "Jessie" is well made and highly recommended for horror lovers looking for a scary experience.
Final Judgment
'Jessie' is another sure-footed psychological horror flick that keeps the audience on tenterhooks with its ample number of scares and twists. Capably supported by strong female characters and an atmospheric setting, it holds its attention even when, at times, it treads predictably. For those who want to watch a horror movie that offers psychological depth in addition to supernatural thrills, 'Jessie' is a perfect choice.
Rating: 3.5/5
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